Photo: Terry Drymon

When the President came out, he was headed for his waiting limousine which was to take him to a helicopter for continuation of his Tampa visit.  I remember looking at him and you could tell he wanted to come shake hands among the group of about 30 who had managed to find the spot. 

I remember being so impressed when he broke rank and walked directly at us.  In a matter of a few seconds he had shaken six or seven hands.  When he got near me I dropped the camera to reach around for his hand.  He finally got to mine and was fixing to grasp it...when a secret service agent pushed my hand away. 

They needed to keep him on schedule and I remember thinking about how I was just inches from shaking the hand of JFK.  But being that close and making eye contact with him was a lot more than most people got that day in Tampa so I was quite happy anyway.

Moments that special seem to always happen in slow motion.  I guess it was the workings of my mind that drew out what was actually only a handful of seconds but some of the most meaningful of my life.  I recall those moments so vividly even to this day.