In the summer of 2007 Jim announced that he would retire from the station in January of 2008.  Jim and Mary would be leaving Tampa Bay to live in their North Carolina home with plenty of return visits to see his mother and five grandchildren, Tyler, Summer, Hunter, Eva, and Lindsey.



(Right) Jim at his retirement property in North Carolina


Jim in his FOX13 office (2007)

I interviewed Jim for this article at his 2nd floor production office a few months prior to his departure.  As Ray Blush noted, the years have been kind to Jim, probably something in his genes inherited from his mother because he doesn't appear to be sixty-seven years old.  If it wasn't for the gray streaks in that formerly jet-black hair, he could easily pass for mid-forties.  I wondered how a Type A personality could slow down and take it easy after forty-three years at WTVT.  Jim, in a thoughtful mood, addressed the question.  "I am nervous about retirement.  I've been working since I was sixteen years old, and all of a sudden I'm going to leave on a Friday and not have to go to work again.  It's a very odd feeling.  I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it.  I think it's going to be fine for six months or so because my wife has a 'honey do' list for me that reaches the floor, so there will be plenty to keep me busy."  Jim will be keeping his hand in video through the use of a MAC computer loaded with Final Cut Pro software.  He's already produced some family videos and is also learning Photoshop. 

The conversation turned towards his 43 years in television and how he survived the turmoil at Channel 13.  "There's a lot of good things about being a manager but if I could have been a cameraman and director for the last forty three years I would have been quite happy," he says, adding "…of course, I'm not sure I can do what some of these kids do today multi-tasking and not missing a beat." 

A FOX13 beach party

Jim grew nostalgic looking through some old issues of the company newsletter, the 'TV Tease'.  "The thing I'm going to miss most is the people," he said while looking at an issue from the 60's.  "The people and the work that we do at WTVT and the esprit de corps that goes on and the dedication we have to be the very best.  WTVT's like a little city of five businesses…news, production, creative services, engineering, sales…all trying to make the best newscast we can and keep our ratings up.  That's been our goal as long as I can remember….to beat the socks off Channel 8!" 

(Left) Jim retires along with newsman Bill Murphy. (Right) Shirley Gunn, Jimmy Lewis, and Jule McGee attend the get-together

Jim's final week found him tending to his regular duties around the station.  No big problems turned up…everything was running smoothly except for a stuck roller on a sliding news background.  At his request, no going away party or celebration was planned because Jim felt it would be too emotional for him.  An informal get together was held at the home of former WTVT reporter Ellen Fiss for Jim and another retiree, Bill Murphy on Thursday, the day before his retirement.  Jim and Bill enjoyed seeing many of their current and former colleagues in an informal setting.    

Jule McGee, Jim, and BIG 13's Mike Clark presenting the Peaker Poster to Jim

That evening Jim was joined by news operations supervisor Jule McGee, former Channel 13 reporter Tony Zappone, Jim Wahl, and me for dinner at The Press Box on South Dale Mabry.  I presented Jim with a commemorative poster (nicknamed 'The Peaker Poster') in tribute to his years at the station autographed by sixty of his former colleagues.  It seemed so very little to honor Jim with after all his time at Channel 13, but he's modest and it was appropriate.  Jim showed me a photo album created by the Fox 13 art department sprinkled with shots of him over the years.  It was signed by everyone at the station like a high school yearbook.  The poster and yearbook would certainly find a place of honor in Jim and Mary's North Carolina home.  




Friday, January 4th was a sunny, clear morning in Tampa as BIG 13 contributor/photographer Tony Zappone guided Jim, news assignment editor Jule McGee, ENG supervisors Mak Makinen and Dwayne Martin, and weatherman Howard Shapiro to a spot on the station's frontage for the taking of a historic photo….five WTVT veterans with a total of 200 years of service.  They took a seat on the edge of one of the pools…about the spot where Studio A was located in the old building.  A few minutes later the shots were taken and everyone headed back to their offices. 

(left to right, top row)
Mak Makinen, Howard Shapiro, Jule McGee, Mike Clark
(bottom row)
Duane Martin, Jim Benedict

As Jim strolled towards WTVT's entrance for the last time as an employee, he paused to share some parting words about his time at Channel 13.  "I don't think I've ever really looked back and had a day that I didn't like coming into work.  I really enjoyed doing what I'm doing.  A lot of people never have that." 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PULSE EXTRA: To hear some of Jim's thoughts on the last day of his employment at WTVT, CLICK on the link below.



Jim was a little overwhelmed in his first few months of retirement getting his new house in order.  By late 2008 Jim reported that all was well and he was loving retirement.  Good luck, Jim!!

JIM'S EMAIL ADDRESS: jmsbenedict@gmail.com